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Communication for impact: helping researchers influence policy

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie, www.3ieimpact.org) is an initiative dedicated to improving development outcomes through better use of evidence from quality impact evaluations. The main challenge for the organisation is to promote influential impact evaluations that will help improve policies and programs and ultimately affect many lives in developing countries.

Given the experience of the RAPID Programme in bridging research with policy and particularly in the area of “improving impact evaluation production and use”, RAPID  will be a strategic partner in bringing additional resources and skills to help transform 3ie research into actionable and effective policy. The main objectives of the strategic partnership include:

  • 3ie has a Knowledge Management strategy which includes, as one of its tools, a working community of practice on impact evaluation
  • 3ie staff and grantees have acquired knowledge through trainings and coaching which enables to translate 3ie funded research into action following an evidence based communication strategy. This will take the form of four clinics during the project - one in Latin America, one in Asia and two in Africa. In addition, RAPID will work with 3ie to develop a online toolkit and platform.
  • RAPID and 3ie have developed a strong partnership relationship that allows it to, among other things, explore new approaches and methods for the evaluation of research uptake and policy influence.

ODI and 3ie have now published an online policy impact toolkit.


John Young, Simon Hearn