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Evidence and analysis that matter for people and the planet

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  1. How does social media influence gender norms among adolescent boys?

    Research report

  2. Changing gender norms in displacement: Venezuelans in Bogotá, Cúcuta and Pasto, Colombia

    Working paper

  3. Towards more inclusive, effective and impartial humanitarian action

    Briefing/policy paper

  4. Inclusion and exclusion in the north-east Nigeria crisis

    Working paper

  5. Intersecting exclusions: experiences of violence and displacement among LGBTQI+ communities in Kenya

    Research report

  6. Inclusion strategy and roadmap: outcomes from the inclusion priority topic at the 2021 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week

    Meeting/conference report

  7. Intersecting exclusions: displacement and gender-based violence among people with diverse sexualities and gender identities in Kenya

    Literature review

  8. Social protection provisions to refugees during the Covid-19 pandemic: lessons learned from government and humanitarian responses

    Working paper

  9. National cash transfer responses to Covid-19: operational lessons learned for social protection system-strengthening and future shocks

    Working paper

  10. Have social protection responses to Covid-19 undermined or supported gender equality? Emerging lessons from a gender perspective

    Working paper

  11. Covid-19: crisis as opportunity for urban cash transfers?

    Working paper

  12. Tackling intimate partner violence in South Asia: why working with men and boys matters for women

    Research report