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WEBINAR: Guide to preparing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for Least Developed Countries

Time (GMT +01) 14:00 15:00


CDKN and Ricardo AEA hosted webinar, Thursday 23 April 14:00-15:00 UK time (GMT+1)

The UNFCCC has invited all Parties to communicate to the secretariat their INDCs “well in advance of COP 21” and it will prepare by 1 November 2015 a synthesis report on the "aggregate effect of INDCs" that have been submitted.

A new publication from CDKN and Ricardo AEA - Guide to INDCs - provides practical guidance to Least Developed Countries on how to prepare their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for the UNFCCC.

LDCs have contributed less to current global emissions than other countries; so the burden of cutting emissions will rest with major economies. However to avoid dangerous levels of climate change, all countries will have to play a role, and the UN has indicated that LDC contributions towards a global agreement should “reflect their special circumstances”. There is currently no formal template available from the UNFCCC, and countries are using a range of different approaches.

The CDKN-Ricardo-AEA Guide to INDCs presents a template that could be used by LDCs. It gives a practical example of how an INDC could be structured, with examples to illustrate a narrative and sources of background information. This template was developed at the request of some LDCs for practical guidance, tailored to their needs. As such it seeks to address the broad range of challenges that LDCs face and their different national circumstances and levels of capacity, preparedness and ambition.

Kiran Sura and Chris Dodwell will walk the audience through the Guide to INDCs in a 20 minute presentation, followed by the opportunity to pose questions and comments.

Register for the event here.

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