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DAC working party on aid effectiveness

The DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness (WP-EFF) is engaged in facilitating donor efforts to enhance aid effectiveness in the related areas of harmonisation and alignment of donor practices, public financial management, procurement, development results and aid untying. In 2004, it will produce a report that reviews and assesses progress made in implementing the commitments made at the Rome High-Level Forum on Harmonisation. The progress report will be submitted to the DAC Senior Level Meeting in December 2004 and to the second High-Level Forum on harmonisation and aid effectiveness (HLF II) scheduled to take place in Paris in March 2005.

Andrew Rogerson will be requested to work closely with the OECD/DAC Secretariat to prepare the HLF II Report. This will require pulling together the key findings from the various documents that the Working Party will have produced as part of its work to facilitate and monitor progress in implementing the Rome agenda. Drawing also from other relevant sources, the consultant will have a key responsibility in helping to consolidate the wealth of information and evidence into a comprehensive yet concise and balanced report, providing a coherent storyline and bringing out key policy messages.

Andrew Rogerson