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Costa Rica

  1. Bridging Costa Rica's green growth gap: how to support further transformation toward a green economy

    Research report

  2. How governments learn: Learning note from 28th ALNAP Annual Meeting on evidence and knowledge

    Working paper

  3. To reduce disaster risk, finance sustainable development


  4. Financing disaster risk reduction: towards a coherent and comprehensive approach

    Research report

  5. The Monitoring Team Approach to Project Follow-up and Evaluation: Experiences from two SIDA-Funded Programmes in Central America

    Research report

  6. Respondiendo a necesidades sobre la marcha e induciendo cambios de políticas: La proyecto "Madeleña"

    Research report

  7. El enfoque de los "equipos de control" para el seguimiento y la evaluación de proyectos: Experiencias de dos programas financiados por SIDA en Centro

    Research report

  8. Millennium Development Goals Report Card: Learning from progress

    Research report

  9. From local action to national water policies: the experience of elaboration of the water law in Costa Rica

    Research report

  10. Responding to Practice and Affecting Policy: The Experience of the MadeleÒa-3 Project in Central America

    Research report

  11. De la pratique aux politiques: L’expérience du Projet Madeleña-3 en Amérique Centrale

    Research report

  12. 'Internalising the Externalities' of Tropical Forestry: A Review of Innovative Financing and Incentive Mechanisms

    Research report

  13. L’approche au suivi et à l’évaluation de projet adoptée par une équipe d’inspection : expériences de deux programmes financés par l’ASID en Amérique c

    Research report

  14. The role of forages in reducing poverty and degradation natural resources in tropical production systems

    Research report

  15. Improving watershed management in developing countries: A framework for prioritising sites and practices

    Research report

  16. Comprehensive new reports show progress on Millennium Development Goals

    Press Release

  17. New analysis reveals African countries are making progress towards the MDGs

    Press Release